2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics can be characterized as a technologically advanced event. In addition to the presence of Intelligent disinfection robots, a variety of service robots, including stir-frying robots, food delivery robots, guidance robots, delivery robots, and logistics robots, are also featured. Polytek, as a provider of advanced robotic solutions, has introduced ROBINT
disinfection robots, food delivery robots, and reception robots to various areas within the competition zone in Zhangjiakou, including athletes’ restaurants, media accommodations, and judges’ hotels.

These robots seamlessly perform tasks such as automatic disinfectant spraying, robot reception, and contactless food delivery. By effectively fulfilling their designated roles, these intelligent robots have made significant contributions to easing human workloads, mitigating interpersonal infections, and enhancing overall safety levels. 

The participants and both domestic and international media have shown great interest and enthusiasm in witnessing these achievements.

The successful implementation and widespread adoption of service robots during the Winter Olympics have outlined a visionary roadmap for a technologically empowered future.